The CMS allows for the adding of all multimedia through one icon (see below). You can drag your video, audio or image files into the grey box or browse through your computer files to select a file.

It's very important to make sure that the video and audio files are converted before inserting them into the module. You can find 'Media conversion' under the 'Content' tab. Click here for more information.


Images are important for two reasons:

  1. They make the content visually attractive
  2. They provide structure, which makes it easier to keep the end user's attention

Images in mobile modules have a different format than images in the former CMS, to better accommodate mobile use. Instead of 800 x 533 pixel size images in the former CMS, images in mobile modules should be 1920 x 700 pixels. 

In order to give the personal route an attractive appearance, it's recommended to use an image at least every 4-5 pages. On the other hand, user research has shown that the use of images for no other reason than to fill up the page is not appreciated. As an editor, it's up to you to find the right balance.

Another guideline is that images are never placed at the bottom of a page: from user tests we found out that end users find it disturbing if they have to scroll for an 'unnecessary' image. Therefore, we recommend placing images directly under the page title, or between a first paragraph and following subtitle.


Video's are extremely important in giving end users a sense of recognition and the feeling that they are connected with others (through expert or client/end user videos) or to explain difficult concepts (through (whiteboard) animations). You can add a video caption below the video.

It is very important to make sure that de video file is converted before you add it to a module. You will find all information about "Media conversion" here

Because the content in each chapter or reusable pages section needs to be stand-alone, there will no longer be introductory videos for each expert or client. Also, it's possible (and even likely) that end users will encounter different client & experts in the videos in their personal route, instead of following 1 or 2 of them. User tests have indicated that our users do not mind these changes. It's not the person they get attached to: it's the recognition of the story and emotion that counts. That's why the timing of a video is important. Ask yourself: does the content of a video match with this moment in the personal route? With the feelings and struggles somebody usually experiences in this phase of the intervention?

Adding a still image

Also add a still to the video. The image must have the size  1000 x 562 pixels. You add the stills by dragging and dropping or browsing for a media image below the uploaded video. 

If you want to change the still image, you can always choose to delete it and add another still image.


When adding an audio exercise, add a caption mentioning the time the exercise will take. You need to add a still image (800 x 450 pixels) to the audiofragment. You can delete the still image and change it to another if you like.

Similar to a video file, it is important to convert the audio file before you add it to a module. You will find all information about "Media conversion" here
Tip: when the end user can choose between audio with a male or female voice, add a tip-block above the audio with the text: 'Choose whether you want to listen to a male or female voice'.' Add the text: 'Listen to the male voice' to the caption of the male audio and do the same for the female audio. Click here to find out how to create a tip-block.(Opent in nieuwe venster)