To test your computation, it is important to first check whether your computation is actually defined. After opening 'computation' in the left menu, you will see your created compution there. Or you see the default text if you didn't create one yet. At the bottom there are 3 headings: defined fields, defined computations and used values. 'Defined fields' shows all questions that contain a calculation. Here you can see the field name and the values per answer option.

Want to know how to make a computation in the CMS in the first place? Click here to read more about making a computation in mobile modules.(Opent in nieuwe venster)

If you look at 'defined computations', you will see whether the computer can read your computation and thus whether it is successful. Note, however, that when the computation is successful, it doesn't directly mean that it gives the desired results. It only means that the computer can read the computation and successfully give a return value. Therefore, it is important to test out the computation in the platform from a client perspective.

Is my computation correct?

To test whether the computation is correct, it is best to assign the module containing the computation within the CMS for a test client. Before doing so, you should temporarily turn off the 'professionals only' slider. This will make the score immediately visible when you test the module from a client perspective. So let's do this. Go to your test client, add the module to the client account, go to 'details' and click 'user switch' to fill in the module from the client perspective.

Now, as a client, fill in the questions belonging to your computation. You now see the piece of text you wrote in 'Topic' about your computation with the corresponding score. In this example, each answer had the value 1. This particular computation should give the sum of all values. There are 4 symptoms ticked, therefore I expect an answer of 4. You can see in the screenshot that this is correct.

Note! After testing, don't forget to turn the 'professionals only' slider back on.