On Friday evening, September 3, a new version of the Minddistrict platform will go into production. In this release note, you'll find all updates. Enjoy the new version of Minddistrict! 

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Improvements in the feedback process of mobile modules

This update is relevant for therapists 

To support therapists in giving feedback, the following improvements have been made. This makes the process more user-friendly. In addition, feedback that has not yet been sent is stored in draft form, making it less likely to be lost.

Clear 'Send' button

The 'Send' button is much more noticeable because the large button with the text 'Next' is no longer displayed.

Instead of that button, there is now a link with a text indicating that you are going to the next page. This makes the difference between sending the feedback and clicking through to the next page more clear. Previously, therapists often clicked 'Next' assuming that the feedback would then be sent.

Automatic saving of drafts

While typing, feedback is automatically saved as a draft. This is also indicated textually 'unsent message saved'.

This way a text cannot get lost when you navigate to another page while typing.

Notification that message is not yet sent
Both on the homepage, and on the conversation page, a pencil icon and text will indicate that there is still an unsent message pending for them to either continue writing, delete or send.

Notification 'feedback is sent'

To make it even clearer for the therapist: a green bar is shown in the top right of the screen 'You have successfully sent feedback' after sending the feedback 

Favourites icon

From now on the therapist only sees a favourites icon if a client has actually saved that page as a favourite. Next to the icon is a text 'Page favourited client X'.

Notification for not guiding professional

Related therapists receive a notification within a module, which they are not guiding, indicating that they can send a message but that this does not enable the client to continue in the module.

After the guiding professional gives feedback the client can continue in the module.

Feedback tips

In the mobile modules, the feedback page now contains general tips for giving feedback. 

1 feedback page instead of 3

Instead of 3 consecutive pages for the steps in the feedback process there is now only 1 page.

The title is always adapted to the 3 steps in the feedback process:

  1. Waiting for client X to share responses
  2. Giving feedback to client X
  3. Feedback available for client X

This update is relevant for therapists 

In the previous version of the Minddistrict platform, adjustments were already made in the navigation of the mobile modules. You can read more about this in the August Release note.

This month there are a number of new adjustments again:

  • In the navigation of a module, fewer icons are displayed. Icons are only shown when there is a task involved
  • While writing feedback or a chat message, the professional sees a pencil icon in the left column. Has the message been sent? Then there is a balloon
  • The icons are provided with a tooltip. This tooltip is displayed when the worker hovers the mouse over the icon
  • The therapist lands on the page submission page. The left column immediately displays the correct page, chapter and module.

Adjustments interface therapists: conversations and tasks

This update is relevant for therapists 

Auto-save conversations

In conversations, messages that have not yet been sent are automatically saved as drafts. This is indicated textually with a check icon behind it:

Module title in conversation titel
In addition, the module title has been added to the conversation title. Previously, it only said 'Send your answers'. It was then unclear to the therapist which module it concerned.

Client name in task tile on homepage

On the homepage, the therapist can now also find the name of the client in the task overview.

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