What is a template screening?

With a template screening you can create a screening. The template holds together the sessions (documents) that together make the screening. You fill the document with a questionnaire. 

A screening can be assigned to clients in different ways. It depends on the screening type what the options are. There are 3 screening types. 

Template screening

A template screening can be assigned to clients in two ways:

  • By the therapist through the catalogue
  • As part of a signup procedure

Template screening intake

A template screening intake can be assigned to clients in only one way: 

  • By the therapist through the catalogue

Template screening signup

A template screening signup can be assigned to clients in only one way: 

  • As part of a signup procedure

Screenings that are made as a template screening are web-based. This means clients can only make these questionnaires in the Minddistrict web-application and NOT in de Minddistrict App.

How to create a template screening

A full instruction on how to build a template screening is available in your CMS. 

Search for Minddistrict Content - How can I make great online content? in your CMS (do not forget to uncheck all status filters).

Important! Editing documents requires specific knowledge and skills. In order to have proper content you need to follow guidelines. Therefore we strongly advise you to follow a Minddistrict CMS training if you want to build content that is document-based. Please contact your Minddistrict account manager for more information.