Each Minddistrict platform has one (or more) application manager(s) and/or service employees to manage the platform. The Minddistrict platform can be customised to the needs and requirements of an organisation. In addition, the application managers and/or service staff answer the questions of end users of the platform.
As an application manager and/or service employee, you have a number of unique tasks and rights within your organisation:
Create and manage professional accounts
Via the ´professionals´ tab you will find the professionals accounts to the platform. Here you can also create new professional accounts.
Only the application administrator can create or change professional accounts.
Creating a professional account
By clicking on the 'Add professional' button, you can create accounts for (new) colleagues. You can always change your colleague's details later. Once you have created the account, your colleague will receive an e-mail containing a link to create a password.
The link in this e-mail is valid for seven days and can be used once. Did the link expire by mistake? Send the welcome e-mail again.
More information about the fields
The fields you fill in when creating a professional account:
- Active: Active is checked by default. Active means that the account can be used. If you uncheck this box, the account will be deactivated. If you do this while creating the account, you will therefore create a deactivated account and your colleague will not be able to log in.
- Email address: This is used to log in with. If the email address is entered incorrectly here, this person obviously did not receive the e-mail to create his password. If you find this out, change the e-mail address and send the welcome e-mail again. Each account requires a unique email address.
- Professional identification: Here you can add a unique (employee) code or number. This can be useful if any research is done later with the data from the platform. Moreover, you can search on this code in the list of professionals.
- Description: This text is visible to contacts of this professional. The professionals can also fill in or modify this text themselves.
- Labels (not available by default): You can assign labels to professionals. This can be useful if, for example, several practices or teams work on the same platform. This allows you to distinguish which organisation/team the professional works at. Here you can find instruction to configure labels.(Opens in new window) Labels can be used in the data exports.
- Groups: You can categorise a professional into one or more groups. This means that a professional has or does not have certain rights. See under the heading 'Groups and their rights' which group has which rights.
Manage professional accounts
To manage professional accounts, go to the 'Professionals' tab. Here you can search for the professional in question, e.g. by name or e-mail address. You can also use various filters.
Found the professional you were looking for? Then open the account and you will see this screen:
- You can edit the details, like name, mail address etc., via the 'Edit' button.
- Is a professional no longer working in your organisation? You can deactivate the account via the 'Deactivate' button.
Has the account already been deactivated? Then there is an 'Activate' button shown to activate the account again - 'Resend welcome mail' is a useful option if the professional cannot log in and/or has lost the password.
Assigning groups (roles) and thus defining rights
As an application administrator, you have the right to assign yourself and fellow professionals to a group. Under 'Details' of an account, you can edit the data and group(s). Groups have different rights in the platform.
When adding groups to accounts, it is very important to consider privacy. Always be well aware of the possible consequences if you add a group to an account that allows the professional to access client privacy data.
- Application manager: May configure the platform and may create or edit accounts for professionals. Does not see client data.
Be aware that an application manager can actually manage the entire platform and assign all groups to himself. Take great care when assigning to this group. Are you the only application administrator in the platform? Never remove the group from your own account. Then no one will be able to manage the platform.
- Data analyst: Has access to data exports without client data.
- Data officer: Has access to data exports including client data.
Be aware that a data officer can export, edit, distribute and store all of the privacy-sensitive information present in the platform. Therefore, take great care when assigning to this group.
- Therapist: May create client accounts and add them to own caseload. Can contact these clients, may deactivate accounts in own caseload, guide tools and provide feedback.
The rights of therapists apply only for clients in their own caseload. These are clients they are related to within Minddistrict. Other client accounts can only view by using an emergency procedure. More information about searching outside the caseload and temporary access.(Opens in new window)
- Supervisor: Has 'read only' access to the accounts of clients to which they are related as supervisor.
- Secretary: Handles registrations. Can view and change name and address details of all clients. Assigns tools to clients and relate them to a therapists. The secretary can activate or deactivate client accounts. Furthermore, a conversation can be started with a client. There is no access to conversations between clients and others, e.g. with therapists.
A secretary has access to all client accounts. This is limited access: for example, a secretary can see name and address details, but not the content and answers in a module. Handle assigning to this group with care.
- Client: Has access to own account. The client can contact the related therapists and start tools in the self-help catalogue. The client can add a relative or friend.
- Friend: Has contact with the client. The friend can be added by the client to conversations with related therapists. Therapists cannot see relatives in platform, unless invited by a client in a conversation. Therapists and friends can only have contact with each other on the client's initiative.
The friend can start tools from the self-help catalogue. Therapists can not assign tools to friends. The client and friend cannot see each other's tools. - Editor (CMS): May create tools, like e.g. modules or diaries.
- Release manager (CMS): Can create and publish tools
Answering user questions
As application manager and/or service employee, you are the contact person within your organisation for (technical) questions about the platform. You are the first-line service desk. Minddistrict's servicedesk is a second-line servicedesk. This means that clients and professionals cannot contact the Minddistrict servicedesk.
The steps below can help you answer questions when you don't know the answer right away.
1. Investigate further
It can be difficult to figure out what is going on when a user says, 'x doesn't do it'. It is important to find out what steps the user has taken. Ask this first. This will ultimately allow you to help the user better. The questions below can help you do this:
Not everyone always knows how to answer these kinds of questions well. Try to find out as much information as possible, but always keep the skill level of the user in mind.
Questions about the platform
- Which platform were you using? (URL)
- Did you open Minddistrict via a browser or in the Minddistrict App?
Questions about the situation
- What were you doing?
- Where did you click?
- What happened?
- What did you expect to happen?
Questions about the user
- What type of user asked the question: a client or a professional?
- What is the ID of the account in question?
- If it is a professional: what groups is this professional assigned to/what roles does it have?
Questions about the tool
- What tool were you using (e.g. module, action plan, message function)?
- What is the ID of that tool?
Check out this support page how to find platform IDs of tools and/or accounts.(Opens in new window)
Questions about hard- and software
- What kind of device are you using? (For example: laptop, tablet, phone)
- What operating system + version number does the device you use have? (For example: Windows 10 1903; iOS 12.3.1; Android 9.0)
- What browser + version number did you use? (For example: Chrome 116; Firefox 117; Safari)
- If using mobile phone/tablet:
Which brand + model of phone/tablet did you use? (For example: Apple iPhone 8; Samsung Galaxy S6; Apple iPad Pro). When using the Minddistrict app:
What is the version number of the Minddistrict app? (For example: version 3.46.0)
2. Exclude some possible causes
You will receive messages that 'Minddistrict is not working'. This could mean that there is a bug in Minddistrict. But there are also many other factors that can affect the use of Minddistrict. Rule out these factors first before you investigate further on your training platform and/or seek help from the Minddistrict service desk.
- Poor internet connection: The quality of the internet connection affects Minddistrict. You can test the strength of a wifi connection with this test: https://www.speedtest.net/.(Opens in new window)
- Unsupported browser: The browser being used can affect the quality of Minddistrict. Does someone get stuck somewhere in the platform? Ask to open the platform via another browser(version) to see if that solves the problem.
- Unsupported hard- or software: At some point, support for out-of-date software and hardware stops. This affects the quality of the Minddistrict platform. Check if the browser is up-to-date(Opens in new window).
- Security configurations of your own environment: When working from your organisation's secure environment, this can affect the platform. Does someone get stuck somewhere? Try again via another network, e.g. your home network or use your mobile phone's hotspot.
- Device settings: If you change the settings of your desktop/mobile/tablet/network/email/virus scanner/browser, this may affect the quality of Minddistrict. Please check if anything in these settings is changed.
- Typos: Can't log in? Can't find the platform? Check for a possible typing error.
3. Determine how to reach a solution
Is the question completely clear to you? Then, of course, it is time to find the right answer. You can do that in two ways:
- Use the training platform to figure things out yourself. See below how to use the training platform to reproduce a situation.(Opens in new window)
- Use the support sites on our website www.minddistrict.com(Opens in new window), click on the website on ‘Support'.(Opens in new window)
If you don't find an answer via those two approaches? Contact the Minddistrict servicedesk.(Opens in new window)
4. Inform the end user about the next step(s)
In this 4th step, there can be two outcomes:
- You can already answer the question
- You cannot yet answer the question yourself. In that case, you let the end user know that you have forwarded the question to the right person and that you will contact them as soon as you know more.
Make handy use of screenshots. A screenshot is a copy of text or images you see on your computer/laptop/mobile/tablet. Screenshots are often very useful because they can contain important information. You can also edit screenshots and add arrows for clarification, for example. Always pay attention to privacy when sending screenshots to the Minddistrict service desk! Make client details unreadable.
Using the training platform to reproduce cases
As an organisation, you have your own training platform. In this environment, you can learn about the platform, try out features, view the platform from the client's perspective or reproduce problems.
Never create real client accounts in the training platform! Data cannot be transferred from one platform to another.
The training platform is a separate platform. However, it is a copy of the production platform. By this we mean that all functionalities of the Minddistrict product react the same in both the production and training platform. Have you changed configurations yourself on the production platform? If so, we recommend doing so in the training platform as well.
Because the training platform is a separate environment from the production platform, no data contamination can occur. You can click around and experiment without worries.
The exceptions are integrations. Integrations are usually only available on the production platform. Or we created a separate platform to test those. So for testing an integration, you cannot use the training platform.
How to create a test client?
To create a client test account, you need a different mail address than the one you used for your professional account. Each account needs a unique mail address. You can do so by:
- Use a second email address of your own, for example your private email address. This means you will receive an email at that email address containing a link to create the password for this account.
- Use an e-mail address of the format: 'minddistrict+surnamelastname@minddistrict.com' (e.g. minddistrict+johnadams@minddistrict.com). This means that an email will arrive at an email address managed by Minddistrict to create the password. Minddistrict will do nothing further with this. With such an e-mail address, you cannot log in directly but you can use the user switch.
Creating client accounts and testing with them requires that the group 'therapist'.
User switch
On your training platform, the 'User Switch' functionality has been activated. This allows you, while logged in as a therapist, to see the platform from the client's perspective without logging in and out separately each time.
The user switch works as follows:
- Create a account for a test client on the 'Clients' page.
- In your test client's account, open the 'Details' menu item.
- Click the 'User Switch' button in the top right.
- Confirm the switch in the next screen.
For you as an application manager and/or service employee, reproducing is an important attribute. Reproducing is replicating as closely as possible the actions whenever a user encounters a problem within the Minddistrict platform.
Why reproduce?
It provides a lot of information if you reproduce the problem. You can:
- experience exactly what the user is struggling with. This may allow you to notice what is going on and help the person reporting the problem with a specific solution.
- check whether the problem is platform-wide or whether only this user is facing this problem.
- see whether the problem is platform-related or caused by external factors. Click here for a checklist with external factors.(Opens in new window)
- send a detailed bug report to the Minddistrict service desk when a bug occurs. The problem can therefore be addressed faster and more efficiently. Go to this support page for more information.(Opens in new window)
- send screenshot to Minddistrict serivcedesk without any real client data (because of their privacy). Read on this page why this is important.(Opens in new window)
How do you handle this?
Ask the person reporting the problem, what steps were taken so that you can reproduce the problem as best as possible. You can use the following script:
- Scenario: Ask about all the steps taken by the reporter to best reproduce the problem.
- Expected result: What did the reporter expect to see after following the above steps?
- Actual result: What result does the reporter currently see?
- Details and specifications:Details and specifications of devices such as the browser or mobile phone model are important. This is because a bug or failure may be related to the browser or type of phone, for example. Overview of important specifications:
- Browser + version number
- Type of device (desktop, tablet, mobile)
- Operating system + version number
- Minddistrict app + version number
Have you gathered enough information to reproduce the problem? Go to the training platform and walk through the same steps as the reporter.
Don't know how to solve the problem? Please contact Minddistrict's service desk. We will also reproduce the problem. Please provide us with the correct information. Read on this page how you can do this.(Opens in new window)
Handing over application management to a colleague
As application manager, you are your organisation's first contact for (technical) questions about the platform. In addition, you are the contact person for the Minddistrict service desk. When you (temporarily) quit your application management tasks, it is necessary that a successor is appointed. As application manager, you are the only one who can create a new account for colleagues and add the necessary rights to it. Also, you are the only one who can modify configurations. Arrange for a successor in time before you leave.
Add the application manager group
Are you the only application manager on your platform? Then add the application manager group to your colleague's account. Or create an application administrator account for a new colleague. You can read how to do this earlier on this page.(Opens in new window)
Submit data to Minddistrict service desk
For the Minddistrict service desk, it is necessary to know who the contact persons are in the organisations and with whom we can communicate. Therefore, please inform the service desk if there is a new contact person/application manager. Your successor will then also be added to the mailing list for the release note.
Inform your new colleague about the responsibilities, activities and internal agreements of the application management. You can inform the new application manager about this support site(Opens in new window) or request an application management e-learning from Minddistrict's service desk.
Receive the release note and spread relevant information in your organisation
Every last Friday of the month, Minddistrict sends a release note to application managers. The release note informs you about the latest developments and contains important announcements about the platform. This way, you are always up to date on the latest news and can make optimal use of the Minddistrict platform.
As an application manager, it is your job to estimate the impact of an upcoming release for your organisation and pass on the information from the release note to the relevant people.
Previous release notes can be found online here.(Opens in new window)
In the release note you will find:
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Would you like to receive the upcoming release notes? Sign up here.(Opens in new window)
Configuring the platform
As an application manager, you can customise a number of configurations in the platform. In the 'Configurations' tab, you will find all the platform configurations available for your organisation.
Information about the different configurations and options can be found on these support pages.(Opens in new window)
You will find a description of the configurations behind each tile. Be sure to try out the different configurations on your training platform! Not every platform has all the tiles on the configuration page.